Milk-Makin’ Muffins


An organic, high-protein, gluten-free jumbo lactation muffin infused with collagen peptides that will boost your breast milk supply and not your sugar levels. Protein powering your milky way and day! Oat-free, vegetable & fruit muffins with no sugar, only date – low-glycemic and great for diabetics.

🌾🍼 Moms! The secret for lactation is NOT oats! It’s an ancient pseudo-grain called millet and it’s in our lactation muffins! While oats are popular, millet is:
1️⃣ lectin-free, 2️⃣ gluten-free, and has 3️⃣ amazing health benefits and 4️⃣ disease-fighting properties which make it better for building #milksupply than oats!


Lectins cause nutrient deficiencies and millet has none 🚫 Swapping oats for millet means you’re actually absorbing nutrients! Even #glutenfree oats have lectins. Compared to inflammatory oats, millet doesn’t bloat and there’s no worry about causing leaky gut.
🏆 Millet’s essential amino acids, polyphenols, and anti-inflammatory properties win over oats! 30% of new moms get #autoimmune disorders in postpartum due to lack of #nutrition and inflammation! Eating foods to rid inflammation in #postpartum is ESSENTIAL not only for longevity but also for immediate hormone detoxing after birth – further inflammation leads to mastitis! 🤒

🌱 Millet aids constipation and weight loss. It’s alkaline, balancing pH levels. Its insoluble fiber is a prebiotic, supporting good bacteria in your gut! Our millet is soaked and pressure cooked to reduce phytic acid and is very low in goitrogens, suitable for thyroid issues. Our #lactation muffins have 1/2 quinoa and 1/2 millet, and since lectins in *anti-inflammatory* quinoa are eradicated from soaking and pressure cooking, they’re even more digestible.

🥛 Boosts #breastmilk production for #nursing or #pumping!

⚡ Sustains busy days and nights all moms have – #breastfeeding or not!

💪 Packed with iron, calcium, and B-vitamins + magnesium for bone health, muscle function (helping your uterus which contracted during labor) and post-birth headaches moms often have.

⛑️ Longevity: Millet’s tannins and phenols protect cells against high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and (as Low Glycaemic) deters diabetes.

Additional information


Pumpkin Spice + Pumpkin Seeds & Pecans, Lemon Blueberry, Sweet Potato + Raisins & Pecans, Apple Cinnamon & Sliced Almonds, Carrot Cake & Walnuts, Banana Sesame & Walnuts, Wellness Shot


Vegan, Vegetarian