Nourish your birth! Eat throughout labor to help it progress, or to celebrate after as mom’s first meals. Ayurvedic herbs help send energy downward in the body to help strengthen the uterus, stimulate contractions, and expel lochia in immediate postpartum. Boost your milk supply and nourish your postpartum recovery. Includes a Superfood Snack, Breakfast Porridge, Uterine Tonic, Ayurvedic Kitchari, Compote, Lactation Tonic, and Strengthening Soup.
- Local, farm-sourced organic & pasture-raised ingredients
- Ayurvedic adaptogenic herbs
- Safe for pregnancy, postpartum, & lactation
- Ingredients cleaned with electrolyzed ionized water & hypochlorous acid
- Prepared with remineralized alkaline hydrogen water
- High protein collagen peptides
- BPI® certified compostable containers
- No sweeteners or sugars (just date)
- Gluten-free and lectin-free
- No corn, soy, or seed oils
- No inflammatory, mineral-stripping oats
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